Contemplative Pedagogy (CP) is an educational field in higher education that is focused on bringing mindfulness into the classroom and cultivating a deeper sense of knowing, inquiry and insight. CP helps provide access to alternative ways of learning and understanding that is complementary to the more rational approaches found in most traditional liberal arts education.
Contemplative pedagogy can be applied across a range of different disciplines, from the sciences to the arts. Contemplative pedagogy practices prioritize reducing stress in the teaching environment (for both students and teachers), incorporates mindfulness elements, and increases creativity. It is described as teaching to the “whole human.” Given the challenge of our current context in a global pandemic, this approach is needed now more than ever.
My particular approach to CP focuses on honoring indigenous knowledge, multiple ways of learning and knowing, emphasizes experiential learning and “flipped classroom” approaches to teaching.

Recent Presentations & Invited Talks
Lenentine, M. M. (2021, June). Keeping Calm in a Technology Firestorm. Presented at the Center for Teaching Excellence, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI.
Lenentine, M. M. (2021, June). Mindful Teaching and Learning: Contemplative Pedagogy for the Online & Hybrid Classroom. Presented at the Center for Teaching Excellence, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI.
Lenentine, M. M. (2021, January). Creating Sacred Space. Presented as part of the Gems from the Wisdom Traditions Series [Online], Still & Moving Center, Honolulu, HI.
Lenentine, M. M. (2019, February). Mindful Teaching and Learning: Contemplative Pedagogy for the Classroom. Presented at the Center for Teaching Excellence, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI.
Lenentine, M. M. (2021). Healthy Life Tip: Zen your Zooming. Life at the Center: From Dream to Reality. Vol. 92, February 2021. Accessed Online Here:
Lenentine, M. M. (2021). Creating Sacred Space. Greetings for Solstice Cross Quarter Day :: 道Vibrantly Seasonal Newsletter #020. Accessed Online Here: