Q Methodology

Q methodology and its technique is a research approach designed to assess human subjectivity in a variety of fields including education, political science, nursing, natural resource management, psychology and many others.

My own research regarding Q has been primarily focused on natural resource planning. My dissertation work drew heavily from Q methodology in the examination of stakeholder perspectives on hybrid poplar biofuels in the Pacific Northwest. Q methodology has a unique role to play in environmental planning and decision-making, and it is an excellent method for elucidating complex subjectivities around new and emergent environmental issues. The application of Q methodology towards the better understanding of localized neighborhood-scaled climate resilience, which is my current research focus with Q Methodology, is such an example.

I am currently facilitating a weekly informal, and monthly formal research seminar on Q Methodology. Please follow the link here for more information: https://mikulenentine.com/zoomq/

Recent Presentations & Invited Talks Specific to Q Methodology

Lenentine, M. M., Aliani, R., Marder, S., Øverland, K., Harkinson, S. (2022, August). The Study of Us ZoomQ Research Proposal. Presented at the Weekly ZoomQ Seminar [Online]. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1wJwv-USU9d68qvlW0wik6nvZqkiS_cHD/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=101822994651661242503&rtpof=true&sd=true

Lenentine, M. M., Aydogan, M., Aliani, R., Marder, S., Øverland, K., Harkinson, S. and S. Ramlo (2021, October). Growing our Q Community in Unprecedented Times. Panel presentation at the 37th Annual Conference for the International Society for the Scientific Study of Subjectivity [Online]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lX_Ib0Kxyl8

Lenentine, M. M. & Aydogan, M. (2021, June). HtmlQ Demonstration. Presented at the Monthly ZoomQ Seminar [Online]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeqW7T6cTxw&t=552s

Publications Utilizing Q Methodology

Lenentine, M. M. & Asah, S.T. (2021) Diagnostic Problem Framing of Hybrid Poplar Biofuels in the Pacific Northwest. Manuscript in progress.

Lenentine, M. M. (2017). Social Perspectives on Hybrid Poplar Biofuels in the Pacific Northwest: Structuring Stakeholder Viewpoints and Analyzing Media Content (Doctoral dissertation).